Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Day

Got to spend some time with some people that are very dear to me that I did not expect to see today. Kevin Johnson came and worked on the building. Good time!
Zach Johnson came to see the building. Terry and Debbie Huff came by. Dear friends! What a good day.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Staying the Course

What a whirlwind!
Being the lead pastor at a church that unapologetically preaches the true Gospel and makes very strong Biblical stands while trying to love a lot of people in a real powerful way is dizzying enough. Then, throw in colliding with the real world and it tests a leader's metal.

In a just a few short months, powerful events have rocked my world:
-- Lost my Dad. Powerful man who knew Jesus. Taught me how to be a man. Always tough but fair, and I always felt very loved by this man. I don't worry about him, but I do miss him. I miss playing cards and him yelling at the Cards. Losing him took a little chunk out of me, but my mom doing well really helps.
-- Lost Bill. This one had a lot more effect than I thought it would. It had been an absolute joy to watch Bill grow by HUGE leaps and bounds in his faith, and then bam -- he was gone. I miss him. The Bible says that we are to watch out for the orphans and widows. I basically have four widows in my cell family -- lots of watching out for, but, man, it is really good to see Barb be herself lately. She is finally coming out of shock.
Lost Coach Sech. Had some great talks about God in the 15 days from the time he discovered that he had cancer to his death. What an amazing man. It is really interesting that I spent all 48 years of my life basically learning most of what I knew from two men, and they died within one month of each other. It was an honor to stand in the Bob Sechrest Fieldhouse and try and make some sense as I preached my second funeral of a man named Robert Sechrest (I did Bobby's also). They cannot both be gone. No way. I miss them. The whirlwind continued.
Lost Alan Berry. He did not die, but he slipped away in quicksand that I had no control to stop. We ended up not being able to agree on things at the end of his ministry at The Bridge, but I love him. It has been like a death. I miss him.

The fall season has been insane. The weather has been great. My marriage has been great. Justin is doing well. But I have hardly been able to notice as the responsibility of coordinating a one million dollar project has been a whirlwind. I have great help, but I got all of these people into this thing and so I feel really responsible. I know that I can blame God, but that is just how I feel.

GAP is kicking off and I am going to do all of the talks for CA. That is okay because it is what God has called me to do. I am planning on learning a lot from the course. This Recovery at the Village curriculum is going to change the world, and I am ecstatic that we are in on the ground floor of using it.

My life is a whirlwind, but I am staying the course because there is victory in Jesus. Pray for the Kingdom, pray for our nation, pray for me, please! I am blessed to be a child of the most High God, but I am a weak, sissy sinner sometimes that needs the support of the people that God has called to help me glorify His Name.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some Whacko IT Thoughts

IT is a heart abandoned for Christ. People who are ruined in a good way can find IT. What if you were the good friend of someone who lives far from God that you are trying to show God's grace by the way you live. It is September 11, 2001 and you discover that your friend was one of the ones in the Towers. They died -- you would be ruined, but you would probably experience a change in the passion with which you share the Gospel -- little more talking to go with the walking. This is not destructive ruin.
Sin is destructive ruin.
Anger can be destructive ruin.
When you are ruined for God, it is constructive. It creates IT.
God takes the brokenness and makes IT powerful.
When Christ has ruined me, broken me to where I have had to solely rely on Him or worship only Him, focus on Him, I have IT. When I have IT, I can't stand to see people without Christ, people playing Church, people heading toward the Towers. IT will not let me rest until they at least look at the Gospel. IT drives me.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Our new epicenter is not a gathering place; it is a sending point.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday, March 20

I was allowed to serve some sweet people communion tonight. Humbling. I cried all the way home. We should remember like that every day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, March 19

Back to Acts 17 today and Paul's preaching of the Gospel on Mars Hill. I appreciate when God cuts to the heart of the matter like He does through Paul here. He cuts right to how these people think and he shows that God's way is very different than their way. I have been impulsive over the last 4 or 5 months in response to people who disagree with me. I have not said false things; just maybe seemed harsh because of the 'shock and awe' reaction -- maybe did not seem too compassionate. I don't know if this is sin (Paul reacted strongly and swiftly to wrong thinking). I was reminded yesterday of the words of Peter in Acts 4:12, "Salvation is found in no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." The Bible is so black & white, but when it feels like I am black & white, I part company with someone. Do I go slower to keep them at the table (Acts 17) or just let it rip (Acts 4)? Speaking of let it rip, watch this video by John Piper:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 18

I did not give Romans 6 all that it was due today at the prayer station. Death to self and rise to new life (a disciplined, changed, repentant life) is nothing to slight, and I was ADD at the prayer station. I will give God more tomorrow.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, March 17

As I prayed through the scriptures today, the focal point was Acts 17-16-23. I noticed Paul's willingness to study what his audience's thinking was based on, but his presentation of Gospel was unswerving. I appreciate that very much as I am a no-nonsense presenter of God's Word also, but I prayed that God reveal to me if a stink with my attitude. I was harshly criticized by calling bad teaching 'bad teaching' over the weekend, and just want to make sure that it is the strength of God's Word that offends the sin nature in the minds and hearts of people and not my sorry attitude or agendas. I have asked God to reveal to me if I have sinned in presenting such things as how proud I am of The Bridge for believing in Bible inerrancy, and how I show that some church is inferior and actually should not exist at all if essentials of the Historic Christian faith are not taught correctly. Here is a quote in my response to my critic (who by the way I love very much): I can assure you though that if a church or leader denies the deity or the resurrection of Christ, I will tell our people to stay away from them. If they deny the inerrancy or authority of Scripture, I will tell our people to stay away from them. If they say that there is some other way to heaven other than by faith in the grace and blood of Jesus Christ, I will tell them to stay away from them. That is leadership. If I criticize for lesser things, your comment of unprofessionalism is accurate.
I am begging God to reveal sin, forgive me, and make me the leader He wants me to be.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday, March 14

The scripture for today was from Matthew 4, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." I prayed that God help me to rely on Him for my spiritual sustenance and joy. These things do not rely on my circumstances; I am sustained and joyful due to a deep presence of God in my life. And I praise him for that.
Had a great time with Matt Sebastian today. I went to talk to him about attaining money for the building at The Bridge and ended up talking about the magnificence of God and His Bible for over an hour. Great stuff!
I pray that my relationship with Kevin & Karri be restored. It is not reliant on where anybody goes to church.