Sunday, November 4, 2007


I needed to journal, so I thought -- why not publish the journal. We say be transparent. How about if every leader in the church blogged their journal, so that people could see what really think about. Wow! This will start next week during Spring Break.

1 comment:

Samuel Schulze said...

Hi Tim. I prayed that God would help me know what to do with the Bridging back money. I prayed about it several more times through out the day. I was in C-barn in Farmington, Karsh and Washington, this evening and saw a donation box on the counter that read... "Angelina Klucas, Born Aug 17 2007. This little girl has to have 4 or 5 reconstructive surgeries on her head. She also has water on her brain that has to be removed. Her parents are in need for funds, to help pay on the expenses until they are able to return to their jobs full time. Any donation to help will greatly be appreciated. The child’s picture was taped to the box. The clerk said the father worked there. I donated the money and I’ve prayed for the Angelaina and the parents. God bless , Samuel